
Saturday 25 July 2015

Nail Care Routine

After having acrylic nails for over two years, my nails were really damaged. They were weak, never grew and broke easily. I've always loved painting my nails, trying new colours, new trends and doing nail art. This routine has helped my nails grow and get a lot stronger. I like trying different things, but these are what I will forever repurchase.

I start my nail routine by removing any dirt from under my nails (if necessary).

I then use an aloe vera oil, which I picked up from my local nail salon along my cuticles to soften them. I then push my cuticles back with the nail stick I used first. I find my cuticles grow quite quickly so I do this step about once a month. 

I then trim my cuticles with a cuticle cutter. If you haven't done this before, be careful!! I always mange to cut myself which is highly annoying as then I have to wait to paint them. 

I then file my nails into a square shape, but you can do whatever shape you like. I've had this nail file for years, I don't have a clue where I got it from, but its amazing!

I then buff my nails, sometimes I don't smooth and shine them as I feel my nail polish doesn't last as long when I do this step. 

I then use this Avon Nail Experts cuticle gel, which helps with nail growth. However, they don't do this one any more, so I have linked there newer one, but you can always use one for your nail type. 

 I then use Sally Hansen Hard as Nails base coat. this has been a massive help to my nail routine, and I've replaced it at least 3 times.

I then go in with my nail design, and always seal it with Seche Vite Speed Dry Top Coat. Which I love, but it does get a bit thick towards the end of the bottle.

I hope this helps with your nail care routine, and if you have and recommendation's leave them in the comments :)   

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